ChromaticsBlossom - component driven architectures.Blossom explores the opportunities present in the morphologies of floral entities as point of departure for the design of architectural conditions. Inherent qualities such as Inflorescence, Plication, Venation and Ornament form the ground for a variety of speculations on spatial conditions. The sensorial and spatial experiences co-notated with the manifold qualities of blooming flowers, from their topological qualities to the distribution of sepals and petals forming the body of the flower, are scrutinized for their architectural qualities and incorporated in a project.
The speculations are casted in a project that serves as proof of concept. To get to this point the course relies heavily on computational design tools. The application of topological mesh modeling softwares as well as Algorithm driven, organic modeling programs will result in a manifold of projects based on the same set of rules. Finally the projects are presented with a set of, common ground, architectural representation media.
Plication in Almond blossom


Floral conditions in architecture: Gaudi, Sagrada Familia